ScalarPrana Self-Alchemy:
The Science of Spiritual Liberation
Over the years, self-improvement and -transformation books and seminars have emerged at the forefront of the self-help industry. With rapid technological advancements and savvy marketing, the digital platform has become available to anyone who wants to formulate their own prescriptions and quick fixes for self-development. The bottom line, however, is whether the purported outcomes are sustainable.
ScalarPrana Self-Alchemy is not your usual self-transformation workshop. Its very title underlies a much deeper significance that takes you on a journey to search for your own Philosopher’s Stone and turn your mind and soul into spiritual gold. The workshop packs a heavy punch, focusing on character development, behavioral modifications, and ultimately spiritual evolvement. It also highlights the importance of overcoming weaknesses and negative traits and replacing them with positive ones. Since the techniques are designed to naturally align with your spiritual nature, the changes become deeply entrenched into your consciousness, so there is less possibility of slumping into your old habits and character. Then you can truly be the best version of yourself!
Workshop Features:
Four stages of alchemy
Meditation on transforming negative traits into positive ones
Human weaknesses that are fatal to spiritual progress
Healing and developing character on different levels
Mastery of the senses
Purification and balancing of the five elements in your body
Pre-requisite: ScalarPrana Scalar Energy Cultivation 1 and Human Energy System
For the complete list of workshop schedules and other inquiries, please fill out the form and we’ll respond as soon as we can. Thanks!