ScalarPrana Therapist Certification Program
The ScalarPrana Therapist Certification Program is designed to standardize and professionalize the practice of ScalarPrana Therapy by providing participants with comprehensive knowledge and training, developing healing skills, and validating proficiency in various healing techniques. This ensures the general public of a safe and effective mode of healing as students achieve a certain degree of mastery at each level.
The program is for those interested to start a professional healing practice, or complement their current practice of another healing modality.
Qualified participants will be awarded certificates for each workshop taken as well as for the completion of each level.
The Program consists of three levels:
Certified ScalarPrana Therapist: This serves as the foundational level of the certification program. It is the pre-requisite to either the Certified ScalarPrana Specialist or the Certified ScalarPrana Business Therapist
Certified ScalarPrana Specialist
Certified ScalarPrana Family and Business Therapist
Each level consists of four areas of activity:
Theoretical – Consists of concepts and principles of ScalarPrana Therapy embodied in specific courses of study
Practical Application – To enable students to apply the knowledge learned from the workshops, hands-on healing on individual patients is required, together with corresponding case reports. Healing practices are supervised by authorized senior healers.
Written Examination – As a means of evaluating the student’s understanding of concepts and principles, as well as their developing healing skills, a comprehensive written examination will be given at the completion of each level.
Video of one healing case
Interview to be conducted upon completion of the above requirements in each level.